What You Need To Know Going Into This Program

What you need to know going into this program:

  • You have been through so much and you are grieving. Be kind to yourself.
  • You are NOT a failure. You are a beautiful soul going through a difficult time. You will get through this.
  • You are here to do everything in your power to get answers so you can have confidence in your next steps. I will help you do this. You are not alone.
  • I am a strong believer in self love. You need to honor yourself and your body through this process and beyond. I will remind you of this often. Self love is essential.
  • You will experience a range of emotions through this process. Don't ever feel guilty for feeling a certain way. Every one of your feelings is valid.
  • Right now, you may just feel like a number and our goal is to change that. Your voice matters. You matter.
  • It may be hard to see now, but you are stronger than you know. Through this process, you will learn so much and grow more than you can imagine. You will amaze yourself.
  • A loss is a loss, no matter the gestation. When you experience a loss, you not only lose the baby, you lose the chance to hold that baby in your arms. You lose the midnight snuggles and the sleepless nights, the birthday parties and the Christmas mornings. You lose the tooth fairy visits and first days of school, the Sunday breakfasts and the height marks on the wall. To experience this loss is heart shattering. To experience this loss over and over is crushing and completely unfair. Your loss is significant because your babies matter.

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